February 8th, 2025 at 06:01 pm
Recently I have been thinking about how I spend my time, and how I can be more productive. This especially rings true when I think about how much time I spend on my phone. I often spend time in the evenings mindlessly scrolling or playing games, usually with the TV on in the background.
I made a change this January. I have deleted some of the games that I spend the most time on. I also found some apps that allow me to make some money while I am relaxing at the end of the day. I figure if I am going to be doing something mindless on my phone, I might as well make a few extra bucks. After trying out a few different apps, I finally landed on
Text is Attapoll and Link is https://attapoll.app/join/hsdoj
This app allows you to take quick surveys for small amounts of money, and then cash out via PayPal, Venmo, or bank transfer. You can also donate your earnings, or redeem them for a gift card. It's not a large amount of money, but it makes me feel like I am being more productive. If I have a few minutes in a waiting room, or sitting in my car in the school pickup line or anywhere else, at least I can make a little money.
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Side Hustles
January 26th, 2025 at 05:44 pm
Over the last several years (probably decades by now), my personal finance journey has inevitably led me to many websites, news articles, talking heads, TV and radio shows, podcasts and more. They all proclaim to have the solution to your personal finance challenges, whether it be getting out of debt, budgeting, saving for retirement, etc.
Early on I started listening to Dave Ramsey on a regular basis. His advice was practical, easy to understand and seemed like a very common sense approach to managing money. I followed his
Text is debt snowball and Link is https://savvyfinanceguide.com/crush-your-debt-with-the-power-of-the-debt-snowball-method-a-proven-strategy-for-financial-freedom
debt snowball method and the "baby steps", and have been successful getting out of debt. All that remains is my mortgage (which is at a very low interest rate and very manageable), and I have savings for retirement, kid's college and more.
In these ways I am very supportive of Dave Ramsey and his mission, as his methods have had a profoundly positive effect on my financial well being. Lately however, it seems that his radio shows and advice have become a lot more political in nature. This has been a big turnoff for me, as personal finance is not something that should be politically motivated or influenced. Are there any other Dave Ramsey followers out there? If so, are you seeing the same shift in his message?
It's really sad for me as his radio show is almost unlistenable at this point. Something that was a cornerstone of my week and kept me in the right mindset and motivated while paying down debt now feels like something I need to leave behind.
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Personal Finance
November 26th, 2024 at 12:51 am
2025: A new year. A new president. A new economy?
It's hard to tell. President Elect Trump has made many statements about his plans for his presidency, many of which will have huge economic impacts if they come to fruition. Everything from tariffs, immigration, interest rates, taxes and government spending levels could influence our future economy in the coming months and years. From a personal finance perspective, having a budget that is refreshed and flexible is key to navigating these uncertain times.
Text is https://savvyfinanceguide.com/balancing-act-navigating-budget-adjustments-in-uncertain-times/ and Link is
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